Our Vision - Kia tū tika ai te whare tapu o Ngāpuhi
We are proud to have our range of kākahu online and available to our whanau. Our range covers the original classic line, which has proven itself throughout the years as well as limited edition collections released each season. Worn proudly here at home and internationally, connecting Ngāpuhi whanau across the globe.
As the only supplier of Ngāpuhi Iwi Owned merchandise we aim to provide quality items at affordable prices so that all whānau can enjoy a connection to home.
RESTOCKED by popular demand All profits from the sale of this kākahu go back to the kaupapa it represents. Make...
$70.00 NZD
28th October 1835 He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1. Ko matou ko nga Tino Rangatira o nga...
$120.00 NZD
Mana Jacket Mana Motuhake - self-determination, independence, sovereignty, authority; mana through self-determination and control over one's own destiny. How do you express your...
$140.00 NZD
Canvas Mana Vest Mana Motuhake - self-determination, independence, sovereignty, authority; mana through self-determination and control over one's own destiny. How...